To beat or not to beat? That is the question...
This is a comment I posted on Messy Christian's blog entitled The "M" Word
You should probably click and read her blog entry before continuing so you don't misunderstand what I'm talking about.
Hmm... no comments on this blog? Surprising. Or have you somehow lost them?
Anyway, I'm here to tell you that you are far off the track and that masturbation is truly a sin! In the Bible, Jesus never masturbated!
Am I sounding like someone from Church O? *haha* I was just kidding. I hate it when people make the stupidest and most ignorant comments and use Bible verses out of context to support their opinion! What verses in the Bible mentioned masturbation being a sin? I sure would like to read those verses, 'cause they have escaped me somehow in the many years I've been a Christian!
A controversial topic this is... I'm glad you had the balls (nothing to do with masturbation, and not like you have the real ones, just a manner of speech) to blog about this. A large portion of the Body of Christ needs to grow (no pun intended! Honest!) up and get out of the shells where they've been hiding and keeping each other warm. Life is bigger than 'masturbation is a sin' and 'the more you give to God, the more he will bless you'!
So I guess it's true that Bill Gates doesn't masturbate and gives millions to furthering God's Kingdom! Bless his kind heart.